Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tutorial 1: Newbie's First Attempt (Night out look)

Apply primer...(I'm using elf eyelid primer)

Next is I'm going to apply MILK CREME

(sorry if the above picture is blurred =_= ) apply SAND STONE
starting from your outer lid to your inner lid..
do it slowly, you can do wiper motion after

the result should look like this..

Apply SAND STONE for the highlights

PINK STONE  into your inner lower lash line

and SAND STONE to your outer lower lash line

apply any brow liner (I'm using 2-in-1 impact shadow liner by Maybeline)
then apply any brand of liquid eye liner
(the brow just act as your primer so that your liner will last the whole day)
curl your lashes and apply mascara
 (I'm using the MAGNUM volum express  by Maybeling)
I used espresso for my eye brow

to soften the edges just simply use SAND STONE
and slowly blend it.. and your DONE!! (yey!!!)

NOTE: I am not a professional makeup artist. I just wanted to share my ideas and the things that i learned on the other artists.

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