Thursday, March 15, 2012

I Got My New Camera!!!

Finally, I will be able to post now tutorials and hopefully videos (I wasn't able to get a tripod so it'll be another problem) but at least I can take a photo for a step buy step picture. My new camera is a SONY DSC-W360. I will post video test, pictures, and a photo using panorama mode as well. It's a W Series, with 16.1 Megapixels, 4 Picture Effect modes and 5x Optical Zoom. They have four different colors which is black, silver, pink and violet. I try to find pink, but they only have silver, which is my third favorite color. Anyway, here are the sample pictures.

 this one is taken while the taxi is running...and for me it did a great job..

this is a panorama mode..taking one while we are in the shop in sm cebu..

NOTE: Videos will  be posted once I'm done editing it. More videos and pictures soon!!!

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