Thursday, December 29, 2011

Insomnia? O_O

  I'd like to do a tutorial which is about day and night look...That is why I'm praying to have a new camera next year...I was not sleepy and decided to post this...I also wanted to share some fashion style that I'd like to wear...

I may not be a professional makeup artist or a fashion designer or a stylist but I just feel like their wearing it in a wrong way and in a wrong place. What I usually see is that they are wearing leggings with a short on it. Why? (well maybe because it fashion..and that is what they see on the tv) Why wear shorts if you don't want to show your legs? :P and why wear leggings under your short? Your not superwoman right? I mean come on. If you want to wear a short but you feel like you don't have that flawless legs why not wear a stockings?

Last thing, (since my eyes is giving me a signal) they don't care if the style of that particular dress or shirt suits her. As long as they are wearing the latest trend. Just remember that you don't really need to buy the latest shirt or dress to look fashionable. It is how you wear the dress just be creative and be confident.

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