Tuesday, October 1, 2013

First Post For 2013 "A Short Story Of Myself"

It's been 11 months tsk! Anyway, I'll try to update this blog every week or whenever needed hehehe.

To tell you honestly, I'm not really a good speaker nor a good writer. So if you find something strange or something you don't understand. Just keep reading :P I sometimes jump some words just to finished what I wanted to explain without thinking that I already did. Even reversing some of the letters or words. That's why most of my posts where just pictures. 

I don't like reading but I find Greek Mythology Stories interesting. Ever since I was in grade school I don't read if it's not about fairies, animals, gods and goddesses, prince and princess. My favorite subject was MAPE (I forgot the meaning but it's about ART hahaha).

When I went to high school nothing really change. I don't excel in any subjects lol. But I make sure that I best on my projects. Specially if it has something to do with art. I hate HISTORY subject. because every time their is a test I need to memorize the dates, place and name of  the people etc. I'm not good in memorizing which is not helping when I was studying.

College Life...
...still the same..hahaha

I find something strange going on with me. I can't explain it and I didn't tell this to anybody,  even my parents. (I'm not an alien or something that you're thinking right now @.@) Good thing I had this PSYCHO 1, when I was in first year college. My psychology teacher  helps me realize about what really is it. (well she did not really tell me what my problem is because I did not approach or ask her about my problem).

Until one day in my history subject, I meet a new friend and we talked. I already forgot why I tell her, I like reading greek mythology stories. To make it short, she let me watch PERCY JACKSON AND THE LIGHTNING THIEF, and said that it's about gods (sheesh can't remember how it was discussed)

....but....what most catches my attention was that the main character has the same problem that I also have. It's called dyslexia and ADHD.

Generally, learns best through hands-on experience, demonstrations, experimentation, observation, and visual aids. (Read more: http://www.dyslexia.com/library/symptoms.htm#ixzz2gOBC6LfL & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder for ADHD)

We can't afford a to go to a doctor if we get sick what more going to a psychologist. That time what's more important is that we can eat three times a day and a money so that I can go to school. (now back to dyslexia and adhd thingy)

Okay, so, finally! it's now clear that I might have both dyslexia and ADHD. (but not the idea of being a demigod lol, I'm not a demigod, I'm also an avid fan of the Percy Jackson series both books and the two movies)

So if you find yourself having trouble understanding some of my posts, you now know the reason (I hope). I'll try my best to explain it clearly, specially if  I have to do a review on a beauty products (which is I don't know when lol).

Wow, I couldn't believe I made this. At first I just wanted to say that I'll be updating this blog. That I will be busy as well on my new blog which is Mom's Tailoring Shop and Hashall's Wardrobe. More about it on my second post for 2013 hehehe.

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